Enjoy the best

Traffic Planning
and Consultancy

We provide sustainable solutions for your transportation and mobility requirements.

Our mission is to combine solid infrastructural planning and excellent design with smart technology.

With Prof. Bernhard Friedrich and Prof. Mohamed Shahin, both as our co-founders, you will have a reliable partner for first class services related to transportation and mobility projects.


Our Services

Transport Planning and Management

Traffic Surveys, Infrastructural Planning, Traffic Demand Modelling, Traffic Flow Simulation, Impact Studies.


Intelligent Systems and Research

Traffic State Modelling, Adaptive Network Control, Traffic Management Plans, Strategies for Automated Traffic.


TRAPLAN is an international partnership based on the resources of its offices in Germany, Egypt and the Middle East. With the asset of this cultural background, the consulting firm contributes innovative solutions for emerging development projects in the transport sector.


Bernhard Friedrich


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Friedrich is co-founder and partner of TRAPLAN.

As an University-Professor at Technische Universität Braunschweig and as one of the leading German researchers in the transport area, Prof. Friedrich brought over the past 30 years technical innovation from university research to application.

For his research work he was awarded with different prices like the BMW Scientific Award in 1999.

Since 1995 he is working as planner and consultant and was involved in more than 200 transport consultancy projects in a national and international context.


Mohamed Shahin


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mohamed Shahin is co-founder and partner of TRAPLAN.

He has over 27 years’ experience in Transportation Consultancy, Research, and Training & Education.
He was involved in more than 180 transport consultancy projects with Roads & Transport Authority (RTA Dubai), Dar Group (Beirut, Cairo, and London), as well as with a number of German, Egyptian and Saudi consultants.

Dr. Shahin has a strong background in transportation Modelling and Planning and he is Certified Trainer for PTV VISUM and VISSIM. His 27 years expertise includes: Transport planning, Transportation Modelling, Public Transportation Planning and Design.


Managing Director
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Friedrich              Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mohamed Shahin

Rubensstraße 14, 30177 Hanover


+49 171-483-6640